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If One Day At a Time…Was a Person💕

Updated: Oct 21, 2022

If One Day At a Time…Was a Person Better Yet One Moment At A Time…

It Is out of LOVE & My Obedience to God That I Continue to Share! Be Transparent! & Let Everyone Know We Still Got the VICTORY & God Still Gets All the Glory

So Here Goes…from the Horses Mouth

“What Procedures Did You Have Done?” With Inflammatory Breast cancer (IBC) there is only one type of surgery you can have and that is a Mastectomy…in my Case I Had The Following:

- Left Modified Radical Mastectomy (Total Removal of Left Breast Skin & Tissue) - Left Lymph Node Axillary Dissection (Removal of Cancerous Lymph Nodes under my arm as remember it spread there) - Right Reduction for Symmetry (Breast Reduction of Right Breast) - Port Cath Removal Upper Right Chest (Removal of chemo medicine port)

The Mastectomy for Me Is Where I Went to Get My Battle Scar. Every True Warrior Will Have One!! Went In to Get Mine & For Real It Has All Hit Me Like a Ton of ’s. 7 day Post Op and I Appear to be Healing Well but Have to Settle In to the Fact That I Still Have Much Left to Complete in this “Fixed Fight” Journey…

Due to lymph node removal and already having cording in my left arm and nephropathy from chemo I have limited mobility on my left side and will begin Lymph Therapy soon for help with that After healing from surgeries I’ll go back to Oncology for Rounds of Radiation to remove any residual cancerous cells. I call that to get rid of the crumbs from the cookie from there will be another procedure…on my way back to ME…or the new version of…lol…

Though I Am In GREAT SPIRITS! I Think God Appreciates More My Honesty…

No matter how much people say I carry it all so well or even look so good going through it…it doesn’t mean I always feel like I do & Though I Continue to Smile Through…It Is Here…I Am The Most Unrecognizable to Myself…You Ever Been In A Place Like That?

There Is Truly So Much STRENGTH in Weakness & Like Paul I’d Rather Boast More About That! So That The Power Of Christ May Truly Continue to Rest On Me

I Am Most Happy When I Take Showers lol (See Caption at Picture for Understanding) & With My Babe Teajai Allen & Kids!

So In All…I’m Okay…If Not Being Okay At Times…Is Still Okay

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